Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Packing the Car for a trip



Good Morning everyone. Wow, what a chore it is to pack the car for a trip! There are so many things to remember. Everyone has a list of what they need and whats important to them. 

In The Case at High Lake, his fishing rod is important to Miles. He knows he will need it to fish off of Grammas dock. He loves fishing with his cousins. 

For his mom, she is probably making sure all the clothes and food are packed. 

What a job getting everything to the car and stuffed inside. Miles drags some down the driveway but does he actually put them in the car? Find the answer in chapter 1. 

What is important for you to pack when you go on a road trip? Make a list. I would enjoy seeing a completed list. Maybe some of your ideas will make their way into the next book!

Answer for the last post: a loud croaking.

This weeks challenge is to complete your list of important items to pack. I'll add some of mine next week.

Next week we will talk about some foods that are important to have at the cottage. 

Keep Reading

Heather Hill Burford - Author

The High Lake Detective series.

FB: thehighlakedetectives

IG: the.highlakedetectives

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